Mistrals : IMPACTCC Spring school 2019

The spring school of the transverse action IMPACTCC from MISTRALS will take place between the 1st and 5th of April in Banyuls-sur-mer (66650). It will be about « Climate models and downscaling methods for climate change impacts studies ». During this week, participants will benefit from a theory part with courses/seminars and also practical exercices with the software R.


More information

Ocean acidification: consequences on ecosystems and human activities

What is ocean acidification? What are the potential consequences for economic activities? How to react? These are the questions that will be addressed during the round tables, which will bring together scientists, professional actors and associations.

This symposium will be based on field experiments and the results of scientific projects funded by the Ministry of the Environment under the "Acidification of the Oceans" programme.

Second Mediterranean Congress of Biotechnology - MCB 2


The Second Mediterranean Congress of Biotechnology will be held in Yasmine Hammamet from 16 to 20 March 2019.

GreenEdge and the Gordon Conference

Shedding Light on the Physical, Biogeochemical and Human Dimensions of Connectivity in Changing Polar Seas

As mentioned in an email this summer, we would like to hold the upcoming GreenEdge annual science meeting as side meeting to the Gordon Research Conference on Polar marine science in Tuscany (Italy) from 17-22 March 2019.

Congratulations to Floriane Sudre who defended her thesis on March 14, 2024

On the following topic : Past and future variability of ocean fronts in the Mozambique Channel and influence on ecosystems



Composition of the thesis jury :

Congratulations to Marianne Quemeneur (MEB), who defended her HDR on March 12, 2024.

Marianne Quemeneur (MEB) has defended her HDR on March 12, 2024 at 9:00 am, at MIO, Amphithéâtre OCEANOMED, on the following topic: Microbial biodiversity of hydrogen-producing anaerobic and extreme environments and potential biotechnological applications.


Bluebottle Watch

As part of an international initiative supported by the Australian Research Council and led by the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, a collaborative team from MIO (UTLN) and OSU Pytheas recently embarked on an offshore expedition along the Australian coast in late Janu-ary 2024.

Indexing raw sequencing data to better decipher living organisms

Lettre de l'INSU - Scientific results


Major sequencing projects are fundamental to our understanding of living organisms in various fields (health, agronomy, ecology). Technological advances have made it possible to obtain a considerable amount of raw sequencing data (sequence reads). The European Nucleotide Archive currently contains almost 50 Petabytes of public raw data.

The HOPE project: a smart buoy for studying the carbon sequestration capacity of tropical oceans


Funded through the European ERC Consolidator grant scheme and led by Sophie Bonnet, Research Director at French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), the HOPE project is aimed at studying the CO2 sequestration capacity of tropical oceans.

The CNRS unexpected escapes

On February 17 and 18, 2024, Aurélie Darbouret and Stéphanie Jacquet took part in a Demo Conference as part of the CNRS unexpected escapes,

at the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris.

The theme: Explore the ocean! as part of the " Explore the infinitely ..." exhibition.