gmmc2025: LEFE/GMMC 2025 Scientific Days

Workshops, Events

The aim of Operational Oceanography is to develop and use integrated analysis, reanalysis and forecasting systems to characterise the marine environment in all its forms (physical, biogeochemical, ecosystemic, optical, etc.) from coastal to global scales. The Mercator Coriolis Mission Group is made up of teams selected each year as part of the [...]

Repairing the future? Reflections and experiences from a political ecology perspective

Workshops, Events

Sciences Po Toulouse - Manufacture des Tabacs 21 allée de Brienne, Toulouse, France

The aim of the Ateliers d'écologie politique is to work with and for society on modes of collective action that will enable us to understand and (re)act on socio-ecological challenges. They have emerged in recent years in the academic world in France, and offer an original take on political ecology in terms of its form (a group of scientists rather than a field of research) and its [...].