Technical manager: Nicole Garcia
PACEM aims to structure and pool the skills in analytical chemistry applied to the study of marine ecosystems, available within the following teams CEM and CYBELE. (clickable links)
It provides technical support for the scientific activities of the whole laboratory and is responsible for facilitating access to resources and skills for external partners.
It also has an educational role, providing training for students and researchers, and monitoring technological developments.
The platform's activities include
- The provision of equipment and services for carrying out environmental analyses.
- Advice on the collection, processing and preparation of samples and analytical protocols.
- Support for operations in the field.
- Validation of results and transmission of data to the project manager;
- Training and supervision (trainees, PhD students, fixed-term contracts) in the use of analytical equipment.
- Technology watch, development and optimisation of methods in line with research programmes.
- Participation in the writing of scientific articles.
- Help with setting up scientific projects and responding to calls for tenders (technical feasibility, costs, etc.).
You can find our charter here: here (clickable link)
The platform is organised into 4 analytical centres:
Presentation of the 4 divisions