Ocean & Climate RPP seminar

Events, Seminars

FIAP 30 rue Cabanis, Paris, France

The mid-term seminar of the PPR Ocean & Climate will be held on 2 & 3 December 2024 at the FIAP, 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris. Registration is compulsory and, as the number of places is limited, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the auditorium's capacity has been reached, we will unfortunately be unable to accept any more [...]

Networking event: pollution, biodiversity, climate change, energy

Workshops, Events

63 LA CANEBIERE Marseille, France

MER (Mission Europe pour la Recherche) and EOREA (European Ocean Research and Education Alliance) are organising a networking event on Wednesday 4 December 2024. This event will take place at 63 la Canebière from 1.30pm to 6pm. During this event you will have the opportunity to : Find out more about the EOREA Alliance Take part in [...]

Registration for the interdisciplinary days of the GT O2P (Oceans & Heritage Processes)

Conferences, Events

The Gt O2P Océans & Processus de patrimonialisation is pleased to invite you to take part in the Interdisciplinary Study Days "From marine resources to cultural landscapes: for an interdisciplinary approach to maritime heritage" to be held on 5 and 6 December 2024 at the Université de Bretagne-sud on the Lorient campus. Three [...]

Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Meetings


Toulon Toulon

Bâtiment Y - amphi 002 - Campus de La Garde The University of Toulon is organising a day dedicated to sustainable development and social and environmental responsibility on Thursday 5 December 2024 from 9am to 5pm in the Y building. The morning will be devoted mainly to fair trade and sustainable food, with a series of [...]

Webinar AAP SCHADOC doctoral grants

Events, Webinars

By videoconference

A webinar is being organised on 6 December 2024 at 2pm to present the project and the application and selection procedures for the SCHADOC Doctoral Fellowships AAP. Connection link to the SCHADOC webinar Meeting ID: 896 0568 5508 Secret code: 322714  

OSU Pythéas Scientific Day on the theme of Complexity

Events, Seminars

OCEANOMED MIO Amphitheatre 163 avenue de Luminy - Bâtiment Méditerranée, Marseille Cedex 9, France

The next Scientific Day of the Pythéas Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers (OSU) will be held on 17 December 2024, and will be devoted to the captivating theme of complexity. Complexity, a multi-faceted concept, raises a fundamental question: does it reflect the perplexity of the observer faced with a lack of understanding of the processes that govern the dynamics of the universe?

OMER - Ocean and Sea Days at the CNRS

Events, Seminars

CNRS 3 rue Michel Ange, Paris

Registration is now officially open for the Journées Océan et Mers conference at the CNRS on 3 and 4 February 2025, organised by the GDR OMER! You are invited to register on the sciencesconf conference website before 20 January 2025. The 2025 "Ocean and Seas" days will provide an opportunity to discuss [...]

gmmc2025: LEFE/GMMC 2025 Scientific Days

Workshops, Events

The aim of Operational Oceanography is to develop and use integrated analysis, reanalysis and forecasting systems to characterise the marine environment in all its forms (physical, biogeochemical, ecosystemic, optical, etc.) from coastal to global scales. The Mercator Coriolis Mission Group is made up of teams selected each year as part of the [...]

One Ocean Science Conference

Seminars, Conferences, Events

Nice France

The ocean is threatened by combined pressures such as climate change, overfishing, pollution and conflicts of use. The ocean urgently needs decisive, rapid and unified efforts to address its critical situation and maximise the solutions it offers. This is a major challenge for the global community as we [...]