Our people - The MEB Team

Permanent members

L. Casalot - CR IRD
B. Misson - MCF Univ Toulon
F. Armougom - IR IRD
M. Bailly - CR CNRS
M. Bartoli - T IRD
I. Biegala - CR IRD
G. Blanc - CR CNRS
P. Bonin - DR CNRS
L. Cabrol - CR IRD
J.-L. Cayol - MCF AMU
Y. Combet-Blanc - CR IRD
P. Cuny - PR AMU
S. Davidson - IE IRD
C. Desnues - CR CNRS
A. Dolla - DR CNRS
G. Erauso - PR AMU
E. Gales - MCF AMU
M. Garel - IE CNRS
H. Gaussier - MCF AMU
S. Guasco - T CNRS
N. Jean - MCF Univ TLN
P.-P. Liegbott - CR IRD
J. Lorquin - IR IRD
V. Michotey - PR AMU
C. Militon - MCF AMU
I. Navarro - CR IRD
O. Pringault - DR IRD
M. Quéméneur - CR IRD
C. Rommevaux - CR CNRS
G. Simon - MCF AMU
L. Sylvi - T CNRS
C. Tamburini - CR CNRS
C. Valette - T IRD

PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and contract staff

F. H. Andrianjakarivony - Phd
A. Bordigoni - Phd
C. Burot - Phd
N. Gallois - IE
S. Hartmann - AI
L. Tanet - Phd