Our projects in one click !
Seas and oceans - Global change
APERO - Carbon sequestration in the ocean
BathyBot - A benthic crawler to see the unseen of the deep NW Mediterranean Sea (EMSO-WL)
BOUM - Primary production and organic pump in the Mediterranean
EMSO-WL - An underwater observatory as a follow up of the ANTARES telescope
FIRETRAC - Impact and fate of Biomass burning-particles in the Mediterranean seawater using carbon stable isotopes, radiocarbon dating, and modeling
GREEN EDGE - The dynamics of the phytoplankton spring bloom in the Arctic Ocean
LaSeR-Med - Marine ecosystems and integrated model
MOBYDICK - Diving in the Southern Ocean
OceanFrontCHANGE - Managing Ocean Front Ecosystems for Climate Change
OUTPACE - Organic production and nitrogen fixation in the Pacific
PEACETIME - From Saharan dust to satellite remote sensing
PHOSPHOTRAC - What happens to atmospheric organic phosphorus?
ROBIN - Interaction between mineral and sinking organic carbon
SHAREMED : Sharing and enhancing capabilities to address environmental threats in Mediterranean sea
TONGA - Ocean productivity and carbon export
VAHINE - Understanding the nitrogen cycle in the Pacific Ocean
Contaminants and marine pollution
Microbial colonization of Black Carbon particles
SHAREMED : Sharing and enhancing capabilities to address environmental threats in Mediterranean sea
SOOT-SEA - Impact of Black Carbon in South East Asia
TRACFIRE - Fires and domestic burning : what's the impact on the western Mediterranean Sea
Ocean dynamics
MATRAC - Optical properties in coastal areas
SEAMoBB - Monitor the benthic marine biodiversity of Mediterranean rocky habitats
BIOSWOT - Satellites for the study of planktonPaste
FUMSECK - A cruise of the project BIOSWOT
OSCHAR - Structure and dynamics of the first trophic levels
LATEX - An adaptive strategy for Lagrangian navigation !
Mediterranean circulation and climate change
Societal impact and technology