The nature of the exported iron plays a major role in its ocean cycle

For the first time, an international team, including our MIO colleague Thibaut Wagener, made in situ observations of bacterial iron regeneration in the mesopelagic zone - the "black" ocean where light does not penetrate - of the Southern Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. By combining these observations with numerical simulations of the PISCES biogeochemical model, the researchers highlighted the contrasting roles of biogenic and lithogenic iron in the mesopelagic zone.

Workshop SOOT-SEA University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, 21-22 October 2019

The MIO organized an international workshop at the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) on 21-22 October 2019, gathering 35 researchers from South East Asia and France. The aim of this workshop was to develop a project of a regional monitoring network of Black Carbon in South East Asia, addressing the concentrations and characteristics of Black Carbon in the atmospheric, fluvial (Red River, Mekong, Chao Phraya, Irrawaddy) and marine realms.

The Tonga campaign: let's go!



Pollution of the water cycle by plastic: Yann Ourmières, MIO teacher-researcher (OPLC) participates in a scientific mission

On September 21, 2019, Yann Ourmières, professor and researcher at the University of Toulon, boarded the NGO Expedition 7th Continent's schooner for a one-month mission in the Mediterranean.
The mission aims to measure the presence of plastics up to 100 metres deep and in the air above the sea surface. A first!

How is this mission innovative?

Sargasses are exposed to the MIO!

Come and visit the reception hall of the Mediterranean building, admire the magnificent pictures of Olivier Bordes taken during the Sargasso expedition which took place from 05 to 23 October 2017 on the Yersin ship. This exhibition is kindly lent to us by the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, whom we thanked!

A team of MIO researchers and engineers participated in this expedition

Read more


The "10 years of the Drisses de la Réussite" at the Lycée Beaussier (La Seyne-sur-Mer) with the MIO

The "Les Cordées de la Réussite" scheme, set up in 2008 by the Minister of Higher Education and Research and the Secretary of State for Urban Policy, aims to promote access to courses of excellence by encouraging, encouraging and developing vocations and scientific careers among students from disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Day "fishermen-scientists-managers" at the M.I.O. Océanomed Luminy 23 October

On 23 October 2019, as part of the End-to-End transversal axis, MIO researchers and engineers had the pleasure of welcoming fishermen and marine environment managers (PACA Regional Fisheries Committee, Calanques National Park and Marseille City Hall) to the Océanomed Campus in Luminy for presentations of their multidisciplinary research (from climate and currents to the biology of planktonic organisms, fish and fisheries). These presentations were followed by discussions and a visit to the M.I.O. laboratories.

EGU 2020 : Frédéric Lemoigne, MIO researcher, receives the Ocean Science Award for exceptional early career development

The EGU nominated the 49 recipients, including Frédéric Lemoigne, CNRS Research Officer at the MIO of the CEM team, medals and Union Awards for 2020, division medals and exceptional early career research awards from the division. These individuals are honoured for their significant contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. They will receive their awards at the EGU 2020 General Assembly, to be held in Vienna from 3 to 8 May.

Radio Grenouille at the Fête de la Science : Interviews with MIO researchers

Radio Grenouille : Listen to interviews with our researchers live from the Village des Sciences in Marseille on October 12, 2019 !


First step of the Sea Water Sensing Laboratory @MIO Marseille (SSL@MM)

SSLAMM is a MIO laboratory located at the Endoume Marine Station (Figure 1) with a twofold objective: first, to simultaneously measure several hydrological, biogeochemical, microbiological and chemical variables of seawater at the same site using automated sensors and regular sampling.